Liquid propane escape injures two during fuel transfer

Incident Investigation

Liquid propane escape injures two during fuel transfer

July 11, 2019


Reference Number:

II-878242-2019 (#14245)

Incident overview

The gas fitter was performing a propane tank exchange and fuel transfer in the yard of a elementary school located beside a service road on the north west corner of the school property (refer to photos #1 and # 5). When setting up to transfer the propane from the old tank to the new tank the gas fitter accidently allowed all the fuel to escape from the old propane tank into the atmosphere.

Injury description

1st injury was a teacher from inside the school with a reported respiratory issue and was transported to hospital for observation.
2nd injury was the gas fitter who was performing the work and he received 1st degree freezer burn on his right leg between his knee and ankle and he was transported to hospital for treatment and then released.

See attached PDF for full details.

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