Our Contact Centre and front desk service will be unavailable starting September 9th at 1 PM and will reopen on September 11 at 8 AM. You will still have access to Online Services during this time, or you can reach us at contact@technicalsafetybc.ca or via our Contact form. Please report incidents and hazards at 1 866 566 7233.
Our Contact Centre and front desk service will be unavailable starting September 9th at 1 PM and will reopen on September 11 at 8 AM. You will still have access to Online Services during this time, or you can reach us at contact@technicalsafetybc.ca or via our Contact form. Please report incidents and hazards at 1 866 566 7233.
Safety Is a Shared Responsibility
Workers, licence or permit holders, manufacturers, associations, trade unions, consumers, regulators, and government all have a role to play in the safety system. The risks and safety requirements of technical equipment change throughout its lifecycle. We assess what protections are in place at every stage: design and manufacturing, installation, operation and maintenance, repair and alteration, transfer of ownership, and re-use to disposal. We work with our clients, stakeholders, and the public to build and implement programs that reduce safety risk through regulation, research, education, and enforcement. We are constantly learning as the technologies that we regulate evolve.