Directive: Annual Contractor Reporting


Directive: Annual Contractor Reporting

January 2, 2020

Elevating Devices

Reference Number:

D-ED 2020-02

This directive is being issued by a provincial safety manager pursuant to section 30 of the Safety Standards Act

General Details

This directive provides requirements of the annual reporting by licensed elevating contractors as per EDSR s.8(1)(a),(b) and applicable safety orders and directives, and was developed in order to consolidate all reporting timelines to a single reporting date. Under this directive, only completion dates must be reported. It is the responsibility of the contractor to retain maintenance and test records for audit purposes. The reporting requirements within this document include details of the following:

  1. the information to report;
  2. how to report the information; and
  3. when to report this information.

This directive applies to all licensed elevator contractors with Class A, RA, MR, H, and M licences.

Specific Details

Part 1. Information Requirements:

The following information shall be submitted annually to the safety manger in the required form (detailed in the following part):

  1. A list of all regulated elevating devices that the licensed elevating device contractor currently has under mandatory maintenance contracts. The list shall include the following information with respect to each elevating device:
    1. Contractor license number,
    2. Maintenance contractor name,
    3. Technical Safety BC unit number,
    4. Elevator device civic address,
    5. Maintenance frequency per year,
    6. The date on which the annual brake test was performed (as applicable),
    7. The date on which the annual escalator or moving walk brake test was performed (as applicable),
    8. The date on which the last sheave jammer test was last performed (as applicable),
    9. The date on which the last category 1 test as required by the A17.1/ B44-2016 code or the last annual periodic test as required by the CSA B44.2-07 was last performed (as applicable),
    10. The date on which the last category 3 test was last performed (as applicable),
    11. The date on which the last category 5 test as required by the A17.1/ B44-2016 code or the last five year test as required by the CSA B44.2-07 was last performed (as applicable), and
    12. The date on which the last periodic tests were performed as applicable to non-B44 equipment.

      Note: Any changes to the maintenance contract list must be submitted to Technical Safety BC as per section 8(1)(b) of the Elevating Devices Safety Regulation within three business days of the change.
  2. A list of certified elevating device mechanics and mechanics in training to which the elevator contractor employs, including:
    1. Contractor License Number,
    2. Certified Individual’s Certification Number,
    3. Certified Individual’s First and Last Name, and
    4. Certified Individual’s Certification Expiry Date.

      Note: The submission of the required information noted above is a requirement for renewal of a contractor license.

For Class MR and M Contractors only:

The Class MR and M contractor must have a contract in place with a Class A contractor incorporating at minimum, a semi-annual examination and support for the work that is outside the scope of the MR and M License. In the excel spreadsheet, provide the name of the Class A Contractor in the Maintenance Contractor Name area.. For the Maintenance Frequency, please indicate the annual examination frequency by the Class A Contractor.

Part 2. Reporting Requirements

  1. As per part 1, section 1 of this directive, all required information is to be populated by the licensed elevating contractor in the excel spreadsheet (see appendix).
  2. As per part 1, section 2 of this directive, the reporting of mechanics and mechanics in training employed by the licensed elevator contractor shall be completed on a separate tab within the above referenced excel spreadsheet.

Part 3. Reporting Timelines & Submission Method

  1. The annual reporting of information as specified in part 1 shall be submitted to Technical Safety BC no later than January 15 of each calendar year.
  2. Submission of the spreadsheet as outlined in Part 2 is required to be submitted via the licensed contractors online services account.
  3. The submission of spreadsheet as outlined in Part 2 will constitute a declaration by the licensed elevating devices contractor.

Nav Chahal
Provincial Safety Manager, Transportation

How to submit your annual reporting declaration

Safety Standards Act
Elevating Devices Safety Regulation
Safety Standards General Regulation
Appendix: Annual Contractor Reporting Spreadsheet