Directive: Training requirements for persons performing regulated work on amusement rides, including water slides & recreational railways


Directive: Training requirements for persons performing regulated work on amusement rides, including water slides & recreational railways

April 22, 2010

Amusement Devices

Reference Number:

D-P4 040730 1

This Directive is being issued by a provincial safety manager pursuant to section 30 of the Safety Standards Act.

General details

This directive is being issued to amusement ride contractors and operators, including recreational railway contractors and operators, to inform them of their obligations under the Safety Standards Act. In particular, this directive identifies the training requirements for individuals to perform amusement ride installations and maintenance, and the training requirements for individuals to work as an amusement ride attendant or operator.

The requirements are found in the Elevating Devices Safety Regulation (EDSR), sections 3 and 53.

Specific details

A. Training programs for individuals performing installations and maintenance.

  1. Under EDSR section 3 (3), amusement ride contractors and operators, including recreational railway contractors and operators, are required to employ installation and maintenance staff who have been trained in a program registered and approved by a Provincial Safety Manager.
  2. Contractors and operators are required to keep a record of all relevant training that qualified staff have received. These records must be provided to a Safety Officer on request. The record must indicate the dates of the various training activities and be unit specific where applicable.
  3. Amusement ride contractors and operators are required to submit full documentation of their training program to the Provincial Safety Manager for review and approval prior to November 1, 2004. The documentation provided must include information in respect of:
    • Company policies and procedures with respect to staff training;
    • Qualifications and names of designated trainers; and
    • Performance reviews and supervision responsibilities.
  4. Training program details must include evidence that successful completion of the program will, at a minimum, provide individuals with the necessary knowledge, skill and ability in respect of:
    • Installation and maintenance manual review;
    • Operating rules, maintenance safety requirements and evacuation procedures;
    • Maintenance inspections; and
    • Relevant regulations and codes.

B. Training programs for individuals performing attendant or operator responsibilities

  1. Under EDSR section 53, amusement ride employers, including recreational railway employers, are required to hire only attendants or operators who have been trained in a training program acceptable to the Provincial Safety Manager as of November 1, 2004.
  2. As of November 1 2004, amusement ride employers are required to keep a record of all relevant training that impacted staff have received. The record must indicate the date of the various training activities and be unit specific where applicable. These records must be provided to a BCSA Safety Officer on request.
  3. Amusement ride employers are required to submit full documentation of their training program(s) to the Provincial Safety Manager for review and approval prior to November 1, 2004.
  4. The documentation to be provided under paragraph B.3 must include information in respect of:
    • Company policies and procedures re: training staff;
    • Details of each training program; and
    • Qualifications and names of designated trainers.
  5. Training program details must include evidence that successful completion of the program will, at a minimum, provide individuals with the required knowledge, skill and ability in respect of:
    • Operating rules;
    • Safety requirements; and
    • Evacuation procedures.



Tom Hamilton

Provincial Safety Manager, Passenger Ropeways & Amusement Rides



Elevating devices safety regulation

Part 1 – General qualification and licensing provisions

Division 1 – Individuals who may perform regulated work individuals who may perform regulated work

3 (1) An individual must not perform regulated work in respect of elevating devices unless the individual

  1. is a licensed elevating device contractor,
  2. is employed by a licensed elevating device contractor to perform regulated work in respect of elevating devices,
  3. holds an appropriate certificate of qualification issued by a provincial safety manager, or
  4. is permitted to do so under this section.


  1. Section 5 of the Safety Standards General Regulation does not apply for the purposes of this section.


  1. An individual may perform regulated work in respect of elevating devices if the individual is employed by an organization that utilizes training programs that have been registered with a provincial safety manager and approved by a provincial safety manager if the individual
    1. has successfully completed the relevant training,
    2. does not perform regulated work for any person other than the individual’s employer who provided the training, and
    3. performs regulated work only within the scope the individual’s training.


  1. An individual must not perform regulated work as an attendant or operator of an elevating device unless the individual has been trained, in a training program acceptable to a provincial safety manager, to attend or operate that device.


  1. Following a request by a passenger ropeway owner, a provincial safety manager may grant an exemption from the requirements of subsection (4) for the operation of tow ropes.

Application of this regulation to amusement rides and passenger ropeways

53 (1) In order to operate an amusement ride or passenger ropeway an individual is not required to have been trained in a training program acceptable to a provincial safety manager until


November 1, 2004.



Bill 19 – 2003                Safety Standards Act

B.C. Reg. 105/2004       Safety Standards General Regulation

B.C. Reg. 101/2004       Elevating Devices Safety Regulation

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