Directive: Use of jumpers
Directive: Use of jumpers
December 7, 2017
Reference Number:
D-ED 2014-02
Revision Number:
Rev 3
This Directive is being issued by a provincial safety manager pursuant to section 30 of the Safety Standards Act.
General details
This Directive is issued to all licensed elevating devices contractors to establish the requirements for the use of jumpers during installation, alteration, testing, maintenance and troubleshooting of elevating devices.
Specific details
Temporary jumpers or clips may be required for conducting work on elevators, escalators or moving walks. Only licensed mechanics or mechanics in training who possess the required skills and training in the proper use of jumpers may have jumpers in their possession. There shall be a maximum of five jumpers as part of a jumper kit.
Note: All training in “the use of jumpers” shall be documented in the elevating devices mechanic’s personal Skills Passport on the “General Area of Competence” blank page provided.
Jumpers characteristics & usage
- When jumpers are used they shall have the following characteristics:
- Minimum 36” (915 mm) in length made of high visibility/high contrast colored wires, tied in knots.
- Jumpers shall be numbered in sequence.
- The ends of jumper wires shall be affixed with insulated alligator clips or other types of insulated terminations necessary to bridge the terminals present.
- Every mechanic or Mechanic-in-Training shall have his/her name and certificate number permanently marked or affixed to each jumper.
- Jumpers shall be removed and accounted for when returning or putting equipment into service.
- Where factory jumpers have been supplied in order to conduct acceptance or maintenance tests, the jumper shall:
- Have a conspicuous tag attached to the jumper which identifies it as a jumper;
- Be permanently marked with the manufacturer’s name; and
- Not allow the operation of the device when in normal operation.
- A jumper log shall be established to ensure affected personnel are aware of the safety circuits which are not functioning. The jumper log shall be kept in the controller and shall not be removed until all jumpers are removed.
Failure to comply
- If, during an acceptance inspection of a new or altered elevating device, jumpers are found which do not comply with the above requirements, the inspection will be suspended. It is the responsibility of the contractor to reschedule the inspection based on the availability of the safety officer.
- In the case of public elevators with jumpers in place, the device will be removed from service until a) the elevator contractor removes the jumper and the safety device(s) or b) the electrical protective device(s) are restored to their normal operating condition. Returning the device back into operation may only commence after permission from the safety officer has been granted.
FAQ are appended to the end of this document.
Nav Chahal,
Acting Provincial Safety Manager, Elevating, Amusements & Ropeways
Safety Standards Act
Safety Standards General Regulation
Elevating Devices Safety Regulation
FAQ: Use Of Jumpers
Directive: D-ED 2014-02 Rev. 01
Question: Is the mechanic only permitted to have five jumpers?
Answer: A (personal) jumper kit issued to the mechanic or mechanic in training is only permitted to have five jumpers. However, the contractor may issue multiple kits to a mechanic or a mechanic in training provided there is an internal system in place to account for all the jumpers issued to any one mechanic.
Question: Why is it requirement to have the name and the certificate number on the jumper?
Answer: The name is required to ensure the mechanic can identify their own personal jumpers and where multiple persons are working on the same unit, they will be able to identify whose jumper is being used. The certificate number is for safety officers to identify and confirm the status of a mechanic when a safety officer finds a personal jumper in the course of their duties.
Question: What is the difference between a factory jumper and a construction jumper?
Answer: Factory jumpers are jumpers which are supplied by the manufacturer and are used when conducting acceptance or maintenance tests. This does not include factory jumpers which are meant to remain in the controller to jump out features (e.g., rear doors or code blue when not supplied. Factory jumpers which remain in the controller to jump out features not supplied must be marked on the electrical drawings.)
Construction jumpers are supplied by the manufacturer or made by another party. They shall have all the same characteristics as the jumpers issued to the mechanic but the mechanics name and number shall be omitted. The manufacturer or contractors name shall be on the tag and the tags shall be numbered so that the numbers can be entered into the log in the controller.
Question: Is it acceptable to leave jumpers on if the mechanic leaves the job site?
Answer: It is acceptable to leave temporary construction/alteration running jumpers if the mechanic leaves the job site. Personal jumpers may only be left on provided the device will not be returned to operation. A device may only be returned to service after all safety devices and electrical protective devices are functioning.
Question: What is the purpose of a jumper log?
Answer: It is a control measure to ensure all temporary construction/alteration running jumpers are accounted for. The log is intended to be used when jumpers are to be in place for longer durations (e.g., installation or alterations and where multiple mechanics are working on the same device.)
Question: Does a jumper log need to be used all the time?
Answer: When a log is used during installation or alterations it should remain on site until all jumpers are removed and accounted for. During maintenance, repair or troubleshooting a log does not necessarily need to be used but the contractor should establish a system to ensure any personal jumpers used have been removed (e.g., hang jumper kit on machine room door.)
Question: Why was the compliance component added to the directive?
Answer: Technical Safety BC takes the use of jumpers very seriously and by revising this directive it will ensure all parties understand the consequences of not complying with the directive.
If you have additional questions about the directive, please direct them to: