Information Bulletin: Boiler code standards for steam locomotives

Information Bulletin

Information Bulletin: Boiler code standards for steam locomotives

April 22, 2010

Information Bulletin
Boiler, PV and Refrigeration

Reference Number:

B-B1 040930 1

General Details:

This bulletin is being issued to safety officers and clients with respect to boiler standards for   steam locomotives. This bulletin clarifies that the British Columbia  Safety  Authority  is responsible for boiler safety for steam locomotives and also specifies what codes and standards apply to them.

Specific Details:

Parts of the Boiler Code Regulation (B.C. Reg. 45/91 under the Railway Act) have been adopted under the Safety Standards Act via the Boiler Code Adoption Regulation (B.C Reg. 99/2004) which came into force April 01, 2004. Parts I, III and V of the Railway Act’s Boiler Code are adopted for steam locomotives in that regulation.

The Boiler Code, as adopted and in conjunction with the ANSI/NB-23 National Board Inspection Code, is the governing standard for the design, operation, maintenance, alteration and repair of steam locomotives that are within the jurisdiction of the Safety Standards Act.



Malcolm Bishop

Provincial Safety Manager, Boilers




Safety Standards Act

Safety Standards General Regulation

Power Engineers, Boilers, Pressure Vessels and Refrigeration Safety Regulation Safety Standards Act Repeal and Transitional Provisions Safety Regulations

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