Information Bulletin: Guidance around timelines for the production of electronic maintenance records for elevating devices

Information Bulletin

Information Bulletin: Guidance around timelines for the production of electronic maintenance records for elevating devices

August 18, 2020

Information Bulletin
Elevating Devices

Reference Number:

IB-ED 2020-07

Section of the ASME A17.1-2016/CSA B44-16 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (the “Code”), as modified by the Elevating Devices Safety Regulation (the “EDSR”) specifies that maintenance records for elevating devices must be kept in hard copy and electronic versions, and that contractors must produce electronic versions on request.

This bulletin provides guidance around timelines in which Technical Safety BC may expect to receive electronic versions of records in various circumstances.  This bulletin does not limit the powers of a safety officer to inspect records pursuant to s.18(1) of the Safety Standards Act, but provides information on how Technical Safety BC intends to apply the section of the Code.

Guidance on timelines for production of electronic records:

The list below outlines circumstances where records may be required and the general timeline in which Technical Safety BC would expect to receive the records.


ScenariosResponse Time

Assessment - Safety officer conducting assessment finds no physical records or incomplete physical records on site:

  • Records that are missing or not up to date are a violation of the regulation
  • Records that are missing or not up to date will prevent the safety officer from conducting the assessment
  • If the safety officer is required to return to site in order to complete the assessment, the contractor would be billed for the additional time.

Compliance monitoring - A contractor has been identified as an audit candidate:

  • The contractor will receive a request to provide electronic records for the purpose of compliance monitoring
  • There will be reasonable notice provided to the contractor
  • The contractor may be permitted to ask for an extension
  • The acceptance of the new date will be at the discretion of the Technical Safety BC representative who initially requested the records
Within 30 days

Incident investigation - If log book records have been deemed necessary for an incident investigation:

  • The contractor will be asked to provide the records to the safety officer that is conducting the investigation
  • The response time for these request will be dictated by the severity of the incident

Within 5 days depending on severity of incident

Contractor/Owner - An asset owner has changed maintenance providers and the records are missing:

If the asset owner’s ability to effectively monitor and manage their equipment is compromised, the asset owner can request these records from the current or previous maintenance contractor
Within 30 days

Hazard elimination - A report of a hazard has been submitted:

  • The safety officer may request the records to be submitted prior to performing a site visit.
  • The contractor would be requested to provide this information
Within 5 days depending on severity of hazard


Nav Chahal
Provincial Safety Manager


Safety Standards Act

Elevating Devices Safety Regulation
Safety Standards General Regulation