Exam Information
If you’re applying for a new certificate, you may need to pass an exam. Please follow the instructions below.
Exam Information
How to Apply
Please make sure to submit a certificate application before trying to book an exam. If you haven’t already submitted your certificate application, you can submit it by logging into your Online Services account.
Once you have submitted your certificate application and we have reviewed it, you will receive a notification to book your exam. Use your Online Services account to find your available exam and choose your preferred exam dates, times, and locations. You will not be able to book your exam until we notify you that you are eligible.
If you don’t have an account, you can register now and follow the steps to book your exam.
Note: If you submit incomplete or inaccurate information, you will be asked to resubmit your application. Please log in to your Online Services account to provide us with updated information.
If you don’t have an Online Services for Certification account, you will receive a letter once we’ve reviewed your application to inform you of your next steps.
What to Expect
- If your certificate application is approved, you will receive a notification to book your exam. If you need to book an accessibility accommodation, you can do so in the Exams tab in the Online Services for Certification portal. You do not need to book an exam if you choose to request an accessibility accommodation.
- You can choose to book an online exam or in-person exam. Based on your selection you can then choose a date and time. If you selected an in-person exam, you pick a location.
- Once your exam is booked, you will receive either a confirmation letter or a portal notification.
- If you choose to take your exam online, we will send you your login credentials to log in to your exam software. If your exam is in-person, the exam invigilator will provide credentials for you.
- After you’ve finished taking your exam, you will receive a notification that your exam results are ready to view.
- If you do not pass your exam on your first attempt, or if you need to write multiple exams as part of your application, you will need to book/rebook your exam and submit additional payment.
Cancellation Cutoff Information
If you need to cancel your online exam, you can cancel without penalty up to two days in advance of your exam date. If you need to cancel your in-person exam, you can cancel up to five days in advance of your exam date. If you need to rebook your exam, you should do so well in advance of your cancellation cutoff, or you will forfeit payment and have to pay again for your new exam.
Exam Schedules
Most electrical, gas, and elevating exams can be written online. These exams are offered at our Vancouver office Mondays through Thursdays at 8:30 AM or our Regional offices Mondays through Thursdays at 9:30 AM local time. Please ensure you review your exam confirmation notification for your booking details.
However, SOPEEC Power Engineer exams cannot be taken online. Use your Online Services account to choose from available exam dates, times, and locations. If you don’t have an account, you can register now and follow the steps to book your exam.
If you have questions regarding the availability of your exam and don’t have an account, please contact us.
Privacy and Collection of Personal Information
Any personal information collected is handled in accordance with the British Columbia Freedom and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have questions about the collection, use, or disclosure of this information, contact the Records, Information and Privacy Analyst for the Technical Safety BC at 1 866 566 7233.
Exam Accommodations
Accessibility Accommodations
Technical Safety BC is committed to providing every exam candidate with an equal opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and competencies. We provide a variety of accessibility accommodations for candidates with disabilities or medical conditions.
While completing your accessibility accommodation request, you will need to demonstrate support by a qualified professional, which includes:
- a medical professional;
- an educational psychologist, or teacher, professor or instructor;
- a high school or university accessibility specialist;
- or an employee in an accessibility services office.
If your accommodation request is approved, you can expect to write your exam approximately three weeks after your submission, pending available exam times. The accessible accommodation that you ask for will be valid for one year from the date the accommodation is approved and will be available for any exams you write during this one-year period.
Note: If you sent us an accessibility accommodation application using your Online Services account, you do not need to book your exam online. You will hear from us regarding next steps once your accessibility accommodation application has been reviewed.
If you pass your examination and all other certification requirements, we will consider whether your medical condition or learning disability could impact your ability to perform regulated work safely. A further assessment of your ability to perform safety critical work by a medical practitioner or other occupational assessment expert may be required and terms & conditions may be added to your certificate of qualification.
Contact us if you have any questions related to exam accommodations.
Accommodation Types
- Exam reader
- Note: the applicant is responsible for obtaining an exam reader that meets our requirements as detailed within Schedule A of the Exam Special Accommodation Request Form 1689
- Additional time
- Separate exam room
- Other
Student Responsibilities for Requests
- Expect to wait three weeks from the time you submit your accessibility accommodation to when you will be able to write your exam.
- Requests for exam reader and separate exam room must be booked on designated exam dates for exams taking place at a Technical Safety BC office. Available dates will be provided at the time of booking and payment.
- Accessibility accommodation must be used within one year from the date of approval. Approved requests can be used for multiple exams during the course of that year.
Continuing Education Resources
Learning Centre provides safety and technical training courses designed and taught by industry leaders and up-to-date knowledge of regulatory codes, safety practices, and potential hazards.